Get ready to experience...
...the transformative
"Elders of the New Earth" Symposium
& then join us afterwards with the:
Speaker's Classroom Package
This is the place where the journey continues. It will hold each of the Speaker's Talks, each of their free offerings, and the bonus material. It will be in an online Classroom for easy access and you can access them at any time after the event.
Now you can go back to your favorite speaker, your favorite meditation, or catch a talk with a Speaker you missed during the event.
You will receive an email with directions to the Classroom a few days after the Symposium has closed.
For a limited time
Purchase for $77.77

Q: How do I access the Speaker's Classroom Package?
A: Once registered, you'll receive a confirmation email with all the details you need to access the Classroom sessions.
Q: What if I encounter technical issues?
A: Technical support will be available to assist you. If you encounter any issues accessing the sessions or require assistance, simply reach out to:
Q: Is there a yearly cost once I register?
A: No, the Speaker's Classroom will only ever have that one time fee.
Q: Can I invite friends or colleagues?
A: Absolutely! We encourage you to invite friends, colleagues, or anyone who would benefit from this experience. Simply share this link with them so they can join us on this journey or the registration link to sign up directly.
Have more questions?

This is my business affirmation to raise the vibration of this site and an example of what I would add to the code of your site:
I ask this entity consciousness known as Sacred Eyedentity to come in to be an equal partner in helping me service others and their businesses. Please bring in Loving clients that are ready to expand human consciousness. Please allow them to be healed and to heal. Please activate their businesses in the highest capacity that is for the highest benefit for all. In perfect love and perfect trust, so it is. I now integrate my higher self in assisting these transactions of energy exchange for the higher good. Thank you, thank you, thank you great spirit. Much love and peace to you and those that part take in this process. Om Mani pad me hum.
@2024 Sacred Eyedentity. All Rights Reserved. Before joining, please read the Terms & Conditions